

You could do this in a number of ways. I recommend the command line way or the online way for noobs (no shame in being a noob).

Command line way a.k.a Chad way

Pre-requisite: Have git installed on your computer as well as soffice, both come pre-installed in most “just works” Linux distros (another reason for using Linux).

git clone https://github.com/0thorderlogic/cs.git

echo "Aryan is the best!"

cd cs/DAA/docs

soffice --convert-to pdf *.odt  

Libre office way

This year 2023 you can submit the assignments as a printout form. Now, this may change, at any given time.

Now you will find a docs folder with files named 01.odt, 02.odt, …… 0N.odt also another file called daa_assignment.ott an OTT file is a document template. This is the template I followed and you could too.

I am using Libre office on Fedora linux because I am cool like that. You could install libre office on windows too if you want.

After you have Libre office and the necessary files (01.odt, 02.odt, …… 0N.odt) from the docs folder open these up in Libre office writer do this:

STEP 2: Change font for both text and code.
STEP 3: PRESS `alt+f` or the `File` button on the top left
STEP 4: In the drop-down menu, navigate below to Export as 
STEP 5: Click Export directly as PDF

You are done!


Alternatively, you can visit this here website and upload all files as you need and get a merged pdf!

Last resort

There is a good chance you will get the same questions we got this year 10 years down the line, you could find a file called the master.pdf.


  1. Linear Search and Binary Search.
  2. Merge Sort and Quick Sort.
  3. Knapsack and Job Sequencing with deadlines.
  4. MST by Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithm.
  5. Dijkstra algorithm and Bellman Ford algorithm.
  6. Floyed Warshall Algorithm.
  7. Traveling Salesman problem.
  8. Implementation of BFS and DFS.
  9. Matrix Chain Multiplication.
  10. Implement N Queen problem.
  11. Graph coloring problem.
  12. Implement 15 Puzzle Problem.